Wednesday, February 25, 2009

cohabitating together

I just got a phone call from a telemarketer. I usually don't engage, but she said my name properly so I decided to give her a chance. She proceeded to tell me about being eligible for a free vacation anywhere in the United States (including Hawai'i!). So exciting!

Then she asked me if I was married or in a cohabitational relationship. When I answered, she said she regretted to inform me that I was not eligible because only people who are married or cohabitating together are eligible.

Why do I feel like I just involuntarily participated in a survey about my relationship status? I'm laughing about it anyway.


  1. that's absurd. i think she was trying to come on to you - and doing a little pre-research to check out her chances. like liz lemon in that episode of 30 rock when a girl picks up her boyfriend's phone and she asks her survey questions about her age and dress size.

  2. i'm totally liz lemon!!! aaaaaah!!!
